(425) 245-3569

IT Services

We provide Total IT solutions.

IT Security Assessment

Concerned about intruders and leaks? We can help. The goal of a security assessment (also known as a security audit or security review) is to ensure that necessary security controls are integrated into the design and implementation of any information system that stores or processes critical data. Security assessments are made by assessing the weaknesses/vulnerability inherited in the system and the associated internal or external threats that can exploit those vulnerabilities which in turn can compromise the system and data.

We provide security assessment service based on the proven methodology, to ensure that necessary security controls are integrated into the design and implementation of the systems. We access your system with proper documentation outlining any security gaps between design and approved corporate security policies. Our mitigation recommendations help you to remediate the loopholes and gaps identified during assessment.

Our Security Assessment offerings:

  • Vulnerability Assessment (System & Network): We provide detailed analysis in finding out the weaknesses that exist in any system such as server, network device, security device, workstation, laptop etc. We also provide a complete solution to identify, quantify, and to prioritize (or criticality) the vulnerabilities in the network and IT infrastructure.
  • Penetration Test: To catch a hacker, you have to think and act like one. We are your hired hackers testing the publicly exposed IT systems and infrastructure and provide the report on “as is state” of the weaknesses or back doors and how that can be exploited and compromised. We also provide effective recommendations to mitigate such risks.
  • Web Application Security Testing: We provide solutions in testing, analyzing, and reporting the security level and/or posture of the company's Web application; we use manual and automated security testing techniques for measuring the security strength of web applications.
  • Network/ Platform/ Location Audits: We provide Network auditing to analyze, study, and gather data about the company’s network with the purpose of ascertaining its health in accordance with the requirements and standards.
  • High-level & Detailed Risk Assessment: Our IT Risk Assessment methodology identifies and classifies the inherent risks that an organization poses with the use, ownership, operation, involvement, influence, and adoption of IT infrastructure within an enterprise.

"Our IT Security solutions provide you peace of mind."