(425) 245-3569

Remote Sensing and CAD Services

We provide the following RS/ CAD services.

Topographic and Planimetric Mapping

For topographic mapping, the required vertical accuracy of the final mapping usually dictates the altitude at which the photography is taken or the flight is flown. Typically we have observed - the lower the altitude of the photography, the higher the vertical accuracy of the elevation data.

In contrast to the above - for planimetric mapping, the size of the features on the ground that have to be compiled usually dictates the altitude at which the photography is taken or the flight is flown. Typically we have observed - in urban areas, features such as manholes and water meter covers are not identifiable on photography flown above 1,800 ft.

Both topographic and planimetric vector mapping is compiled at scales ranging from 1:10 to 1:1,000 with contour intervals from 0.5 ft to 20 ft; it depends on your project requirements and can be customized. Our engineers have extensive expertise in topographical and planimetric mapping; from aerial photography or satellite imagery to physical features e.g. buildings, roads, and utilities – consultants have expertise in varying levels of complexity. We utilize both analytical instruments and workstations to compile topographic and planimetric mapping. All update mapping projects including volumetric surveys are compiled using our softcopy workstations, where the previous map data can be displayed over the new aerial photography. This improves the identification of the areas that have changed over time. We provide digital map data in a variety of formats e.g. AutoCAD, Microstation, Terramodel or ARC/INFO - configured to any layer or level structure requested by our clientele.

Features that we typically identify and collect, depending on the complexity of the project are as follows:

  • Vegetation including landscape shrubbery and trees
  • Roadways and driveways - paved and unpaved, including curb and gutter
  • Parking surfaces
  • Paint markings
  • Structures
  • Major hydrographical features including manholes, catch basins, valves etc.
  • Major utilities such as power poles, light post, guy wire etc.
  • Tree lines and landmark single trees

"We provide Topographic and Planimetric mapping services."